its a new year and a fresh start.i decided to do all my writing on a website that gives away free copywrites.ive added my portfolio link to my profile page,so feel free to take a still getting no responce from anyone in the maintanice depot of newgrounds concerning my project problem,so when i get a chance im going to get everything re started the best way i can.the script is nearly complete so im looking for voice actors person i really want is stoferin to play paroth.he nailed the audition so perfectly that hes a voice i dont want to leave guys may know im pals with javi brokenrecord,and samulis.thanks to javi hes inspired me to finish what i started,even make episode 2 when im finished.the insparation?tania geller.<3 with a heavinly voice id want to include her in a song at the credits rolling as well as make her a possible voice actress.on that note my script is about ready to see its final hoping that samulis and a few other animators get togeather to make my dream come true!