im back and ready to try to work on stuff for the project but theres still a major issue that i hope would be resolved.the fileshare is busted beyond keep everyone up to date ill try to revise the script,and im going to have to let the team know that we may have to start from scratch just to ensure the fileshare for broken,keep in contact with samulis and myself if possible so we can bring up any ideas to the table.envy,if youre still around let me know if you have completed the filler time scenes.if we dont have anything then we will have to make due.after im done with some personal buisness ill send word of a meeting as soon as i can to determine what to do.we will be discussing the fileshare issue and presenting any content that we feel will help the scenes as they for our voice actors i do apologize for such a long delay.if you are able to attend the meeting id love to try to hear any ideas you may have concerning your lines.
if theres any issues concerns or ideas please pm me.