Hello to the team and peeps passerby.
As an update for the project we have little to work with for the time being.We finally figured out what was wrong with the project fileshare by inquiring to Mr.Fulp directly.Its an anoying bug that needs squishing.for this we will have to rely on the NG team and await repairs.Weve had a few setbacks,but the voice department is still lining up in interest.
As for the art and writing teams they have gone afk so to say to wrap up their school tests.
samulis is hard at work providing what he can with the first scene.i cant wait to see what he has in store!
What about me?Well im simply coordinating traffic,telling whats needed when asked about the project.Im comin down with a terrible case of bronchitis,so for now all mail requests will be put on hold untill I recover.
Im proud to announce that most the voice roles are filled for the first episode!yay!
the updated voice actor list is as follows:
stoferin-plays the roles of Paroth and Sarmation warrior a
Palagriz-plays the two roles as Brune and Arnatule[role for Arnatule still up for grabs if someone auditions for it]
Zulacreed-plays the role of Theron the elven Bard
courtneydawn9mm [kellydraymond]-plays the role of Priestess Serinah
bustersquash-plays as the hunic warrior extra
we still are auditioning for :
The Goddess Nira
Sarmation Warrior B
Volnomus The Hunic General [the main bad guy.]
the new to do list is as follows for the team
when writing crew is available please contact me to see what you have for the intermission/filler time scenes.
since were dealing with a bug in our fileshare,all files should go to me either by leaving emails or links to preview the content.you will have to email me so if ya need to contact me and ask for my email address.
brokenrecord and envy are busy with personal matters it seems so we will wait for them to see what we can turn up.when they return id hope that they can continue where they left off.
ive taken pictures of the model needed for the preistess,and when samulis has a chance i need to drop him a line on the concept of the characters so far.most likely it will be thru his email.
for anything else related to the project,feel free to add your input here:http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1293604 #bbspost23738455_post_text