the storyline is complete and ready for the art props to be laid down as well as provide the gear needed to tell people we are ready to launch the first episode in the series!i spent all night with the rough draft and am waiting on the filler time and intermission scenes form my other it currently stands we are ready to knock the socks off of mythology.i will be holding a meeting when i can to tell the team were ready to look for voice acting and if samulis still is backing us on music and animation it should be intresting.^_^from this day forward those whom work with me in past present or future projects will be called team Nirain Legacy.:D
to do list for the team:
review the script
find voice acting talent
find an animator so we can help samulis out
inform jabicho its time to collab with samulis on making the tunes
get BrokenDeck to make the second scene song.[if he dosent then it will fall on samulis and jabicho to pump out the music]
seek out artist to try to come up with a concept for the goddess[wolf form] sarmation warrior extras and hunic army extras.
create a thread for the first episode in the forums to try to attract attention to the masses to see if we can get voice acting and more artists.make sure it says copyright by us,team Nirain Legacy.
team members mail me confirming that they have downloaded the content so far so i can see if i can remove some files to bring more concept ideas to the table.
update 518 am central usa time:forum created for project members. ost23738455_post_text